About Me

Currently building AgentHub, a no-code platform for building AI-powered pipelines to automate business workflows. Start building at: https://agenthub.dev/

I am a professional Software Engineer with a couple of years of industry experience in engineering including some time spent in big tech. I love solving incredibly hard challenges at scale while learning cutting edge technologies and tools. I am also interested in global capital markets, banking, and finance.

I aspire to develop and build on my foundation through any possible learning opportunities related to these passions.


Personal Skills
Time ManagementTeamwork
Critical ThinkingLeadership
Software Skills
Build Systems: Maven/GradleAgile Methodology
CI/CD: Jenkins, Travis CIVersion Control: Git
SQLData Analysis & ML Models (Python, R)
Finance Skills
Algorithmic Trading (MQL, R)Accretion/Dilution Analysis
LBO ModellingDCF Modelling
Experience with Brokers/ExchangesTechnical Analysis/Price Action
Forex TradingStock Trading
Options TradingCommodity CFD Trading



A genetic algorithm to play and master a Tetris clone. tetris.ai uses a single layer perceptron model to judge the quality of a given move. The genetic algorithm begins by randomly initializing a generation of 50 weights. The genomes play games 1 by 1 consecutively, learning from their mistakes and evolving through every generation.


primeAID is medical software that intends to streamline communication and information among medical facilities. It also aims to elevate the convenience of the patient and administrative experience. Patients will be able to access critical information through our web application. This information includes viewing current patient wait times, nearby medical facilities, and preliminary triage services.


I became extremely tired of the job search process. Particularly, I hated that I had to go to a bunch of different websites, set my search settings repeatedly, and see the same jobs over and over again. The worst was going through 10 clicks (filled with ads) just to find a link to apply to the job. As a result, I made a program that solves all of these issues.

Options Trading Strategy Modelling

A Jupyter Notebook used to test various options trading strategies. Some of the strategies available to model include: Bull Call Spreads, Long Straddles, Iron Condors, and Covered Calls. Originally intended for use in the TMX Options Trading Competition.

Ticker Picker

This application retrieves the 500 stocks tracked by the S&P500 index and runs them through a variety of indicators in order to perform a technical overview. The final result is the ability to view the highest rated stocks to buy or sell and subsequently view their individual indicator ratings, in order to make a decision.

Amazing Brick Neuroevolution

A recreation of the (originally) iOS game Amazing Brick in Javascript using the p5 framework. TensorFlow.js was used to develop a neuroevolutionary algorithm whose goal is to master the game. The neural networks use several parameters for its fitness function. These include time alive, time spent in the middle, and score.

Work Experience



San Francisco, California      Jun. 2023 - Present

Currently building AgentHub, a no-code platform for building AI-powered pipelines to automate business workflows. Start building at: https://agenthub.dev/.

Arctic Wolf Networks

Machine Learning Operations Engineer

Vancouver, British Columbia      Mar. 2023 - Aug. 2023

At Arctic Wolf Networks, I was responsible for designing, deploying, and maintaining machine learning models in production, as well as ensuring their scalability, reliability, and efficiency. I utilized AWS services, like AWS Sagemaker, to develop and deploy machine learning models, optimize their performance, and manage the overall ML infrastructure. I was also constantly collaborating with data scientists, security analysts, and other software engineers to integrate ML models into the offered products and services, and to monitor their performance. In addition, I contributed to the development of ML pipelines, incorporating data preprocessing, feature engineering, and model evaluation, while ensuring data security and privacy compliance.


Software Development Engineer

Vancouver, British Columbia      Aug. 2022 - Mar. 2023

At Amazon, I worked within the Selling Partner Experience (SPX) organization to deliver products designed to maximize seller efficiency and minimize frustration. I took on a wide array of responsibilities, including designing technical architecture for products along with setup of AWS infrastructure including Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, etc. I was also continuously coordinating across several lines of the business (PM, DE, BA, etc.) to ensure success criteria of products could be evaluated. In my first 4 months at the company, I merged 50+ pull requests with an average of less than 1 revision and few comments.


Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Toronto, Ontario      May 2021 - Aug. 2021

At Scotiabank, I worked within the Equity Capital Markets and Mining coverage groups dealing with both origination and execution services. I was involved in several deals and projects concerning debt/equity financing, mergers and acquisitions, and business development. I was also responsible for performing complex financial analysis such as market comparisons, company valuations, and pro-forma financial modelling. Additionally, I contributed to preparing company and industry specific research to support financial valuations and pitchbook charts/tables.


Full Stack Developer Intern

Montreal, Quebec      Jun. 2020 - Aug. 2020

Neat aims to accelerate innovation in organizations and accelerate the training process through a software solution that reduces redundancies and streamlines workflow. I participated in weekly Agile scrum meetings and was assigned technical user stories to be completed. Neat uses Vue.JS for the frontend and Firebase on the backend. As Neat is an early stage startup, I also had an input in all discovery and ideation meetings.


Chemical Engineering Intern

Toronto, Ontario      May 2019 - Sep. 2019

I conducted observational analyses in order to update all of the procedures (SOPs) for the high voltage equipment manufacturing plant at Trench Group. I also assisted with various procedures in the Chemical Lab including differential scanning calorimetry, viscosity tests, and tensile tests. Additionally, I created reports in Microsoft Excel based on key performance indicators such as the failure rate of reactors, coils, line traps, etc.

Agnico Eagle Mines

Process Plant Engineering Intern

Rankin Inlet, Nunavut      Jan. 2019 - May 2019

Agnico Eagle Mines is one of the top gold mining companies in the country. I was responsible for developing operation and maintenance procedures (SOPs) for any of the equipment in the entire process plant which includes the oxygen plant, the paste plant, the saline and effluent water treatment plants, the power plant, and the refinery. I also worked closely with process plant trainers to develop training material for process plant workers. Additionally, I designed the entire system for reports outlining and detailing employee eLearning statistics in Excel using VBA.

I'd love to chat!